The next, 18th ICAISC will take place in Zakopane in June 16-20, 2019.

Committee on Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Poland Section of IEEE Computer Society Chapter C16

IEEE Poland Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter


The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag series "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" and we strongly recommend the use of the Springer LaTeX style. To ensure reasonable quality and consistency of preparation, it is important that authors adhere closely to the instructions. Any manuscript submitted in technically unsuitable form will be returned to the author for retyping. LaTeX2e stylefiles and MS Word template for multi-author books and proceedings can be downloaded from Springer Initial submissions must be FULL papers (preferably 10 pages) and not merely abstracts. Initial submissions can be only a PDF file with full paper.

Every final paper must be accompanied by the copyright form, which we ask a corresponding author to complete and sign. The copyright form in PDF is located at Springer web site . Please use the following data to fill the form:

  • Title of the Book/Volume/Conference: ICAISC 2018 Proceedings
  • Volume Editor(s): L. Rutkowski et al.
It is sufficient if one author of each contribution signs the form on behalf of all the other authors. the copyright form should be submitted during the final submission as a separate zipped pdf file.

All final submissions should be in a .zip compressed archive including:

  • the source (input) files, i.e. TeX source files for the text and figure files,
  • any style files, templates, and special fonts the authors may have used,
  • MS Word file in the case of using MS Word,
  • the final Postscript (.ps) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file,
  • the scanned completed and signed copyright form.
By submitting the paper to the ICAISC conference the author(s) agree that they did not submit this paper to any other conference and one of them will attend the conference to present the paper.
Please note that all papers will be assigned a paper number. You will receive this number after you have completed the paper submission process. Authors are then required to use the paper number assigned to them for all future correspondence regarding this paper.

Please click here to proceed to the ICAISC 2018 Paper Submission System.

If you already have an account from ICAISC2017, please use this login information or click "Remind password".